Problems come, they do. I have yet to encounter one person that would tell me he doesn’t have any issues. Life is like a problem solving manual we turn each page each day and there’s always a puzzle. Happy if it’s just a one sentence question or a petty concern. Sad when we encounter a whole case study that drains our mind, energy, resources, and peers into our heart and soul.

When I have problems, I panic and always cry. Always, super super always. That’s my body’s way of coping. But I do manage to find solutions, or solutions find their way to help me. Madalas I am ready to give up but something bright happens unexpectedly and helps give me the solutions.
I am amazed sometimes at how I am able to think of something. I don’t believe in myself too much. But I do believe that as long as one is doing something good, you mean well, you are true to yourself and to others, help is coming your way. I do believe.

Believe in the good


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